• Air quality

  • Mediocre

  • Weather

    • -0.2°C
    • 1020 hPa    100%
  • Acceptable
    walks outside
  • Acceptable
    physical activity outside
  • Not recommended
    prolonged exposure in the open air
  • Not recommended
    prolonged exposure in the open air (pregnant, asthmatic, elderly)
Average: (Last / 15m / 1h / 24h)


Oficjalny czujnik GIOŚ
Pollution level:


Name Value Index
PM10 51 µg/m3 102% Medium
Last update: 2025-02-13 09:38:26. Readings: 45.

Zygmunta Kurka

Kozłówka - Sponsor czujnika: Mieszkaniec
Pollution level:

There are no data


Osiedle Mątwy Sponsor czujnika: Mieszkańcy
Pollution level:

There are no data


Osiedle Lotnicze Sponsor czujnika: Szlifowanie betonu
Pollution level:


Name Value Index
PM2.5 17 µg/m3 87% Low
PM10 50 µg/m3 101% Medium
Last update: 2025-02-13 09:35:03. Readings: 23.
Pollution level:

There are no data


Osiedle Lotnicze Sponsor czujnika: Wapno nawozowe
Pollution level:


Name Value Index
PM2.5 29 µg/m3 147% Low
PM10 89 µg/m3 179% Medium
-0.2 °C | 1020 hPa | 100%
Last update: 2025-02-13 09:36:42. Readings: 23.


Osiedle Solno- Sponsor czujnika: Projektowanie stron Inowrocław
Pollution level:

There are no data


Osiedle Piastowskie - Sponsor czujnika: Poradnia psychoterapeutyczna Inowrocław
Pollution level:

There are no data

Pollution level:

There are no data

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